Contact us if you would like to contribute to our cause or if you are:
A member of Pakistani Pakistani-American community
-Help us organize fundraisers for needy families in Pakistan
-Assist us in organizing awareness programs about Pakistan for local authorities and people in your social circle
-Support us financially
A Pakistani studying in a US or Canadian academic institution
-Help us organize awareness programs on your campus
-Identify to us if incorrect information about Pakistan is being delivered officially or unofficially about Pakistan on your campus
-Help us organize events depicting Pakistani people and their culture on your campus
-Organize fundraisers for needy Pakistanis
A student in a Pakistani academic institution
-Provide us with the Pakistani version of the news about Pakistan
-Interact with the students in the US through our website to bridge the gap between the two nations
A faculty member in a Pakistani institution
-By providing us intellect on ongoing Pakistan issues
-By contributing scholarly articles for MENTOR – PARIC Journal of Global Studies
A faculty member in a United States or Canadian institution
-By contributing scholarly articles for MENTOR – PARIC Journal of Global Studies